New Beds at the Yanoks’ or The Hilton…Family Comes Home!

 So it all started with a simple complaint about our pillows…and then it became similar to the story of “When YOU Give a MOUSE a COOKIE”. Pillows

I remember when a trundle bed was great…have a friend over…sleeping bags, share your twin size bed…b
Our family is all coming home in August, including Eli Joseph Linley…the newest addition. Now I have been saving our baby bed for over 33 years but since it could now be a near death experience…and George told me the girls would never use this bed…I went to Babies R Us to buy a Pack’N Play. Talk about overwhelming! After learning the cost, use, and needed accessories, I decided to purchase a baby bed. See through, breathable bumper pads, no dangerous blankets…I was set. I even learned that I could trade in our old bed in November as a credit for Christmas gifts for Elic

I shared with George that the girls would really prefer bigger, more comfortable beds…I wish I had a photo of his face at that point. EMMA, “It would be much less expensive to put them all up at the “Hilton”. I quickly responded, and how would your mother have felt if we stayed in a hotel. And so….
What a find at Arhaus Loft Clearance… The closest Loft Clearance to us is in Hilliard, Ohio, Park Mill Run. Love this bed and it was a bargain! BUT, Give a Mouse a Cookie…
Loved this room divider that was at the Clearance Loft.
And then I had a gift card from my niece from THE COLLECTION, in Powell, Ohio. The rustic table in front of the screen…what a find. The lamp didn’t work or have a shade. $25.00…George fixed my new lamp. My hero!

Collection Last Sale...614-885-9091

Collection Last Sale…614-885-9091

Unfortunately, THE COLLECTION was forced to move to a much smaller store because of a fire last year. The owner shared, because of insurance problems, they may never reopen. If you have a credit or gift card, you need to see what is left.

And now is when my LOWER LEVEL comes in handy. So many accessories, lamps, some furniture…all will be needed in our new suites upstairs. I have several treasures in my lower level that are missing… As I use some items for staging my listings, I need to think or look at photos on the MLS to see where they are.

BIG IDEA…When you list your property, change your mindset. YOUR HOME>>>>>Your Product to SELL Would you buy the product? Difficult to do but so important.
Enjoy tomorrow’s Sunshine in OHIO!

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